How to Add a Multi-select Dropdown Property to an Existing Object Type (v2) ?
Easily add a multi-select dropdown property to an existing object by following a simple set of instructions.
- Navigate to the Ontology page on your platform.
- Click on the existing Object Type you wish to modify.

- Scroll or navigate to the list of Properties for the selected Object Type.
- Click the button to add a new Object Property for the chosen Object Type.
- Enter the desired label for the new object property and complete the rest of the form as required.
- Click on 'Next' to proceed.

- Select 'Multi-select Dropdown' as the type for the new property.
- Click the button to add options for the multi-select dropdown; adding each option one at a time.

- Repeat the process to add a total of 3 options for your multi-select dropdown.
- After adding all options, click on 'Create' to finalize the property.

- Navigate back to the Properties list of the selected Object Type to view the newly created multi-select dropdown property.