How to Annotate and View a Completed Job in Job PDF (v2) ?

Supervisors can annotate a completed job with text or attachments and view it directly in the job PDF.

  1. Navigate to the 'Completed Jobs' section from your dashboard.
  2. Open the desired Completed Job from your Inbox.    
  3. Click on the Ellipsis (3 dots) located at the top right corner of the Job page.  
  4. Select 'Job Annotation' from the dropdown menu.    
  5. In the annotation window, add your remarks in the text field provided.  
  6. To attach a reference document, click the 'Attach' button and select the file from your device.    
  7. After adding remarks and attaching any necessary documents, click 'Submit' to save your annotation.

  8. To download the annotated job, click on the Ellipsis (3 dots) again.    
  9. Choose the 'Download Job' option from the dropdown menu to save the job along with your annotations as a PDF.