How to Create a Single Resource Selector Process Parameter (v2) ?

Easily create a Single Resource Selector Process Parameter within your task to enhance your project's functionality.

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Open the prototype you are working on.  
  3. Navigate to the task within your prototype where you want to add the parameter. 
  4. Click on the 'Add Activity' button.  
  5. Select the 'Parameters' button.   
  6. Click on 'Add New' to create a new parameter.
  7. Enter a Label for your new parameter and provide a description (optional).   
  8. Click on the next button.   
  9. Choose 'Single resource selector' from the Parameter type dropdown menu.    
  10. Select the Object type from the list provided. 
  11. Click on the next button.    
  12. In the filters tab, click on 'And' to set your filter. Specify values for all the fields required to configure your filter.  
  13. Click on the next button.    
  14. Enter the necessary values for all fields to set up validations.  
  15. Click on next and then on the save button to finalize the creation of your parameter.