How to Handle Scanning an Incorrect Object Type (v2) ?
When you encounter an issue with scanning the wrong object type, the selection will not be permitted.
- Begin by starting the job on your device.

- Proceed to start the task that requires selecting an object of a specific type.

- If you accidentally scan an object that does not match the required object type, the system will not allow you to select the scanned object.

- In such a case, ensure you have the correct object type handy. This might involve generating or obtaining a QR code for the correct object type.
- Scan the QR Code of the correct object type to continue with your task.
- If the system rejects the scanned object again, double-check to ensure that you are scanning the object type required for the task.
- Once the correct object is scanned and accepted, you can proceed with the rest of the task as per usual.
- If you continue to face issues, consult the troubleshooting section of this knowledge base or contact technical support for further assistance.