How to Indicate a Process Needs Corrections in a Review (v2) ?

Signal the need for corrections by using the 'Provide Review' feature to comment on a process.

  1. Login to your reviewer account.

  2. Navigate to the process you wish to review.
  3. Click on 'Start Review' to initiate the review process.
  4. Click on 'Confirm' to verify your intention to start the review.
  5. Select the 'Provide Review' option to assess the process.
  6. Choose 'Needs Commenting' to indicate that corrections are necessary.  
  7. Enter your feedback and necessary comments in the text box provided.
  8. Submit your review by clicking on 'Submit'.  
  9. Acknowledge the confirmation by closing the dialog box that appears.  
  10. To collaborate further, click on the 'Collaborators' icon located to the left of the 'Continue Review' button.
  11. Access the reviewers' panel by clicking on the icon situated at the top right corner.  
  12. Close the modal window to finish your review session.