How to Perform a Correction (v2) ?

You can perform corrections by accessing the correction request in your inbox, providing the corrected value, and submitting it for review.

  1. Log in to the Leucine platform using your valid credentials.    
  2. Navigate to your inbox and locate the 'Corrections' section or find the correction request notification. Click on the specific correction request to open it.    
  3. Review the details provided by the initiator, including the description and the original value needing correction (note that this is view-only).    
  4. In the provided field, enter the new, correct value for the parameter.    
  5. In the 'Remarks' section, document the reason for the change or provide any additional comments.    
  6. Click on the submit button to send your correction for review.    
  7. Enter your password when prompted to complete the submission of the correction request.