How to Revise an Existing Published Process (v2) ?

To revise an existing published process, use the 'Start a Revision' function accessible in the process options.

  1. Ensure you are logged into a user account with sufficient permissions to revise published processes.  
  2. Ensure there is at least one published process available to revise.  
  3. Navigate to the list of Published Processes.
  4. Locate the process you wish to revise and click on it.    
  5. Click on 'More' to reveal additional options.
  6. Select 'Start a Revision' from the list of options.  
  7. Click on 'Confirm' in the dialog box that appears to proceed.  
  8. Ensure the property 'Change Control Reference' is visible on the form.  
  9. Update the 'Change Control Reference' to the new reference value as required. Proceed with the additional revision steps as prompted by the system.