Making the Unit Field Optional for Specific Process Parameter(v2) ?

You can leave the Unit field empty for 'Should Be' and 'Calculation' process parameters when adding a new activity.

  1. Navigate to the prototype section and ensure a process is available for testing.
  2. Select the process by clicking on process name.    
  3. Click on the 'Add Activity' option, then select 'parameter' and choose the 'Add New option'.
  4. Provide a label for the new parameter.
  5. For the process parameter, select 'Should be'. Leave the Unit field empty and fill in all other mandatory details required.  
  6. Click on the 'Save' option to add the parameter to the process.  
  7. Repeat the process by clicking on 'Add Activity', selecting 'parameter', and choosing 'Add New option' again.   
  8. Provide a label for this new parameter, but this time, select 'Calculation' as the process parameter.
  9. Again, leave the Unit field empty, fill in all other mandatory details, and click on 'Save' to finalize the addition.